8 Comics Tagged "KPU13.GUNER"

stick figure person meditating, previously having negative emotions like anxiety, in present, feeling calm and relaxed after meditation.

Step #1 – Back story

I have been struggling with anxiety and stress for the past few months. I had a lot of negative feelings, but I decided to start meditation to improve…

Stick figure person meditating, researching for different meditation practices and listening to meditation music and podcasts.

Step #2 Preparing for Change

To prepare for my wellness practice, I did some research about different meditation practises and decided which one best suited me. I also searched up some calm music…

stick figure person feeling anxious but later trying meditation with calm music for positive affect.

Step #3: First day

On my first day, I was stressed because of several reasons, but I tried a 10-minute mindfulness meditation exercise while listening to calm music. Later on, I felt…

Stick figure person stressed about math exam and practicing meditation to calm herself.

Step #4 Halfway (7th day)

Halfway through my wellness practice, I felt my anxiety was very high because of an important math exam the next day. However, I tried meditating as had been…

Stick figure person’s anxiety levels being high on no meditation day and low on meditation day. Stick figure person feeling positivity after meditation.

Step #5

In my get cape project, I noticed that my anxiety level increased on the days that I did not meditate properly. On the flip slide, I felt less…

Stick figure person stressing because of math exam and the alarm clock ringing because of meditation schedule.

Step #6

Midway through the get cape project, I had a math exam due to which I couldn’t practise meditation. My anxiety level was also high because I was stressed…

Stick figure person looking happy because of passing the exam, being able to meditate and the anxiety level being low.

Step #7

I got my math exam results the very next day after the exam and I passed it. I was very happy to see my results. Due to this,…

Stick figure looking shocked after receiving get cape results and wearing the cape.

Step #8

When I got my get cape results, I was shocked at how effective my wellness practice was. I chose meditation as a means to deal with my anxiety…