6 Comics Tagged "CAP.SARAD"

Someone sitting on a bed next to a clock that says 12:30 pm with a big to do list next to it.

Step #1- Back story

I have this bad psychological thinking that if I wake up too late, it means I can’t do anything with my day anymore and I’ve wasted it. My…

A person holding a phone making alarms that starts from 8:00am and every five minutes after that.

Step #2 – Preparing For A Change

I am a very very heavy sleeper thus why I am committing to making an alarm every 5 minutes starting at 8:00am. I have realized that one of…

There is a bed on the left side and someone is crawling out of bed to reach the alarm that is placed on a desk on the other side of the room.

Step #3 – FIRST DAY

As I expected, forcing myself to wake up at 8:00 am was a struggle. I purposely put my phone on my desk so I would be forced to…

A person standing next to a big board of to-do list that are all check marked.

Step #4 – Halfway

Being halfway through this wellness practice, since I have been pretty consistent with waking up at 8am everyday so I can efficiently finish all my tasks for the…

A person jumping in the air holding a to-do list that is completed. Clock on the right that says 10:00am.

Step #5- Show Me The Data!

For my data collection, I realized how much waking up earlier to finish all my tasks for the day has greatly improve my anxiety levels throughout the day!…

A person sitting on the ground feeling relaxed at 10:00 am with a text bubble that says,"Now I can relax!"

Step #8- Where will I fly next?

I am so sad that I didn’t start this psychological practice earlier because all this time, the answer to dealing with my anxiety was starting my day early…