As someone who suffers from an anxiety condition, this trip has assisted me in developing a healthy coping approach to handle my unbalanced life. After completing the wellness project’s aim, I learned to focus on the current plan and complete the duties as planned. A regular exercise routine improves my capacity to manage anxiety and aids in the restoration of my sense of calm. I was not anticipating such outstanding outcomes, primarily since I dealt with significant concerns such as inattention, poor self-esteem, and sleeplessness. I was first demotivated, but I became motivated and enthusiastic as I saw the results. And I’m trying to stick to my fitness programme in the future.
Your art is absolutely AMAZING!!!!!
neha neha
great, you have a great grip on art and drawing.
Jovan Dhillon
Great to hear it helped you. Your coming is amazing.
ishav vir singh
good comic well explained
Bochen Li
I love this manga, it’s so good!I hope you can become more and more happier,get rid of anxiety.
WOW your comix is beautiful!!!!