Step #5 – Show me the data

The is a girl who is very anxious and sad which is shown on the left side before the study was taking place. As time progressed and so did the study she began to meditate and made it a daily habit. Through the process of meditation, slowly, she started to gain some happiness in her life and the anxiety began to decrease.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU12.ASHND
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: On the left side there is a stick figure which is sad with her arms crossed. There is an arrow pointing towards the next point in her life where she is meditating and another arrow which points to her as she has a huge smile on her face.

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  1. Hi, your comic is so cute and it shows a story! I can see the progress and you become happier through meditation. congratulations!

  2. Bochen Li

    Your manga is very good, I like it very much. It’s a good start, I hope you will have less anxiety in the future

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