I was a stick-figure man standing and observed myself on how I was able to actually create the time and work out for 60 minutes every day for 14 days. I check and recorded all my data and now I showed in my picture I will do the same for 30 days
I was a stick-figure man standing and observed myself on how I was able to actually create the time and work out for 60 minutes every day for 14 days. I check and recorded all my data and now I showed in my picture I will do the same for 30 days
Please comment on two peers' comics for every one post of yours.
Gurdeesh Sangha
Love your comic! Good job on trying to do 30 days of the research.
Alisha Mehta
Its really well done. The way you showed your figure and expressed it. Its really impressive.
chandanpreet kaur
its great that you want to continue the practice for 30 days.good luck.
Yi-Ting Chang
Your comic is so adorable. For me, the hardest part is being consistent throughout the process and you made it. Great job!