8 Comics Tagged "KPU13.INDEM"

A stick figure person is sitting on his couch all day, being lazy, until his friend convinces him to get up and go to the gym to work out and get some fresh air.

Step #1 – Back story

Due to the obvious pandemic, I was stuck in my room all day, playing video games and being lazy. The lockdown was eventually ended, but I continued to…

stick figure person getting out of bed really happy then later begins walking to the gym with headphones on listening to music. Starts working out cutting off all distraction such as his phone end result person becomes happier throughout his day

Step #2 – Preparing For a Change

Me as a stick figure person getting out of bed very happy without going on his phone he gets up right away and decides to walk to the gym…

Me as a stick man doing a shoulder workout

Step #3 – First Day

I got up at 10 a.m. morning and went straight to the gym with no distractions. Today’s exercise was shoulders, and I performed it for 30 minutes. I’ll attempt…

Me as a stickman first doing chest press workout then moving to dumbbells pushying myself to meet my goal


As a stick figure first starting my workout by doing chest press with 115 on each side and I slowly decided to move to dumbbells with 35 on…

me standing observing how i did for my 14 days with a smile on face and excited to continue this project and try to complete 30 days for working out

Step #5

I was a stick-figure man standing and observed myself on how I was able to actually create the time and work out for 60 minutes every day for…

Me as stick man person thinking about all the things holding me back from going to the gym. Hardest thing from this project is actually getting passed these things and going to the gym everyday for 60 minutes.


Me standing with a big frown on my face thinking about all the things holding me back from going to the gym such as school, work, and being…

me going to gym trying to do bench press with 45s on each side. Which i completed and made me feel very proud of myself


pretty much I went to the gym on one of my project days and decided to go for a bench pr which was 45s on each side for…

me at the gym doing shoulder press on the 14 day thinking about how I feel going to the gym everyday and will try to continue for the 30 days


Me just at the gym doing shoulder press with 45s on each side. Thinking about all the progress I made just in 14 days. Imagine how much I…