After doing my wellness practice for 7 days I have noticed a huge difference in my mood! On days when I scroll on my phone a lot, my anxiety is really, really high and my productivity plummets. On days when I turn my phone off for two hours, I feel much happier, more at peace, and I am more productive. I feel more present and truly enjoy the little things in life, like the sunshine and spending time with my dog.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: CAP.TANAR
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: An image of a sad figure looking at their phone above an image of a happy figure walking a dog. A phone is in a frame labelled "home".

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  1. Tharuneka Jegathesh

    That is so true!
    These devices can be and are both a blessing and a curse.

    Love the drawing!

    • Thank you!

      I totally agree. I love the convenience of having a phone but hate how addicted I am to it.

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