Step #2 Preparing for change

In this comic, I am getting ready to begin the get cape project. Firstly, I set up the alarm to do meditation in the mobile phone 2 times a day (7am and 10pm) and I will use a scale dairy to measure the dependent variable . Lastly, I will do meditation on the yoga mat that I purchased recently.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU12.ISHAS
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: IN this stick figure - standing person is me who is getting ready to start the get cape project and I have phone in my one hand which I used for setting up alarm and a scale dairy on the other hand. One yoga mat is also there to do meditation.

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1 Comment

  1. Gagandeep Grewal

    your preparation story kind of seems interesting but I could not connect the purpose of the scale with meditation.

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