Step #1 – Get Cape – Back Story

One day I was angry and could not handle all the problems I had during that period of my life. I did not see any good things in my life that I could be thankful for, which made the problems even worst. My sister came to me one day and gave me a book that talks about gratitude, and that person always sakes for more that makes them forget what they already have. I read it, and the book changed my life for the better.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: CAP.BUSHH
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Two stick figure people standing. The one on the left has an angry face. The person on the left has a joyful look, holding a book and giving it to the angry person.

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  1. Lana Generoso

    Your comic is so simple yet so cute! Ive also found myself to be more angry during this current stage of life, but we got this!

  2. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy books and that’s kind of the same thing. love your comix.

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