For the duration of my 14 day experiment, my goal is to observe how mentally reflecting on positive aspects of my day affects my anxiety levels over time….
I’ve been thinking on what and how to do my experiment. I’ve decided to do a daily de-stressing routine of progressive muscle relaxation and see if it helps…
A Stick figure person represent me because I sometimes get anxiety thoughts about my future life and for that reason, I can’t sleep. Then I decided that I…
Since the beginning of the semester, I have found that I have been over scheduling myself and feeling anxious because of it. I often feel that there are…
In this scene all the reasons for my wanting to meditate to alleviate anxiety and improve my concentration are depicted through the symbols in the thought bubble, there…
To prepare for my wellness practice, I did some research about different meditation practises and decided which one best suited me. I also searched up some calm music…
I chose to practice gratitude and measure my happiness; I decided to write three things I am grateful for each day and track my happiness in a journal….