Step #8 – Next Caper

My study went to well for me that I’ve decided to incorporate it into my everyday life, with a few alterations, instead of ever day will meditate on alternating days for longer periods of time. Making sure i give myself ample time to get into a focused and relaxed state. I think that these alternating days will stress me out way less so I don’t feel pressured to mediate and can instead make more time to allow myself to prepare and focus on it.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: CAP.SABRS
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Here is a calendar of April that shows alternating dates where i have scheduled myself to meditate. The meditation dates are labeled in bright purple righting so it can’t be missed!

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  1. Hi, I am glad for your progress and I am impressed that you have already planned for the future! Keep going!

  2. Hanna Hu

    Hi! I agree your method of planning to write on a calender so make sure you do not forget.

  3. I love that you have a clear plan on how to move forward with your practice!

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