90 Comics Categorized "Step #2 – Get cape: Preparing for change" (page 3 of 5)

Now that you have chosen what you would like to practice changing, it’s time to ‘get your cape’. Show a scene of you collecting and organizing yourself for success in this project. “A good beginning never ends”

Stick figure with a smile holding a kobo and looking at the books on the screen

Step #2 – Preparing For Change

To prepare for my new wellness practice I have been looking for a book I would enjoy reading and where I could find it. I am planning on…

stick figure setting up sleep schedule on phone

Step #2 – Preparing for change

In this comic, I am setting up a sleeping schedule on my phone that automatically puts my phone on “do not disturb” at 10:00 PM and rings an…

protein powder and pre workout

Step #2 Preparing for Change

To prepare for my wellness practice, I bought pre-workout and protein powder. Pre-workout will help me boost energy, and protein powder is to help recover my muscles when…

Person sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed and a thought bubble with a heart in it. Beside them is a clean desk and a calendar with a day marked off

Step #2 – Preparing for change

To prepare for my wellness practice, I will clear my room of any distractions and create a relaxing space to meditate. Also, in my calendar, I’ll have reminders…

its me and my some friends spending good time together.

step #2 get cape: preparing for change

i always stay happy in a group of people. Now i have my few friends with whom i can share my all problems, go outside, dance and sing…

A person is seen sitting down reading a book with a phone on a table in the foreground. This person seems to be ignoring the phone in favor of the book.

Step #2 – Preparing for Change

To begin staying away from looking at my phone at all hours of the day, I will try to occupy my time with other activities I’ve been meaning…

There is a desk with a computer on it and a calendar and a clock on the wall.

Step 2

I am doing my research on the computer and planning out my schedule.

An alarm on a phone going off at 5pm as a reminder to turn of the phone for an hour

Step #2 – Preparing for change

In this comic, an alarm is set to go off at 5pm as a reminder to myself to shut off my phone for at least an hour and…

A stick figure girl standing in a gym is thinking about all the activities that she is going to do in next 14 days and preparing all the necessary things that would help her to accomplish her goal such as her to-do list, time table, reminders and so on.

Step #2 – Preparing for change

So, in this comic I have tried to portray all the activities that I need to do prior and after setting my goals. So the prior list consists…

stick person sitting on exercise ball while preparing for wellness practice

Step #2 – Preparing for Change

My comic is me sitting on an exercise ball preparing to meditate. I have my laptop in front of me so I can meditate and my notebook so…

A person is thinking about texting his friends and is worried if he checked his messages or not also He is pretending he cant find his mobile device So he doesn’t use it

Step #2 – Preparing for change

I’m trying to avoid my mobile device by pretending that I don’t see it right on the table beside me, and also am anxious about texting my friends…

A stick figure girl stands next to a yoga mat in an open area. There is a bed in the corner of the room.

Step #2 – Preparing for a Change

In my comic I am preparing my bedroom for yoga practice. I have brought my yoga mat into the space for convenience. I have also moved my furniture…

The picture depicts the author has prepared a yoga mat, kettlebell, dumbbell and jump rope for her wellness project.

Step #2 Preparing for change

For my 14-day wellness project, my goal is to observe how exercise affects my anxiety level. For this project, I will perform aerobic exercise for at least 30…

Stick figure getting prepared for his challenge by holding his 14 day table and his phone.


In this stick figure scene, I am holding a 14 day table where I will be able to record my happiness, as well as a phone were I…

A girl that is happy, a paper and ball pen

Step #2 – Preparing for Change

When I was 16 or 17, I was told by my relative that I am feeble minded just because of a simple mistake. Up to now, every time…

Stick figure of me ready for the change

Step – 2 Preparing for change

This comix representing a stick figure of me waking up in the early morning and sitting at the roof of my house to consume direct sunlight so that…

There is a stick figure sitting on top of a chair and in front of it, there is a laptop (labelled) on top of the table. Beside the stick figure (on the right, labelled), there is a mat that is rolled up.

Step 2 – Preparing for Change

In the comic you can see a stick figure planning and researching on its laptop. In order to have myself organized, I will be looking into the types…

A checklist with 4 steps: 1. find a quiet spot 2. set a time line 3. set an alarm 4. be ready.

Step #2 – Preparing for a change

Before doing the wellness practice, I made myself a little checklist to guide me on what to do. First, I would need to find a quiet space which…

A stick figure shown excited to have their new note book and recalling the positive memory of buying it.

Step #2 – Preparing for change

To keep track of her happiness levels, Siobhan has bought a notebook and has already started to paint that memory of buying said notebook as a positive part…

stick figure person thinking about the things that are going to be take place in the upcoming weeks for the wellness practice.


This is a visual of me & I am planning to get up early in the morning and perform exercise(running) for 7 days a week and I am…