356 Month: March 2022 (page 4 of 18)

A stick figure person (me) looking sad and crying. Beside it is written \


I had a tough day during my 14 days of research. I couldn’t think positively as my wellness practice required me to do so. I had to recall…

A stick figure sleeping next to a dog

Step #6 Flop!

My biggest flop happened when my oldest dog had a health scare, I spent most of my time taking care of him and ended up falling asleep in…

Someone happily sleeping in a blue bed with no phone


I found that during my practice of turning my phone off everyday for at least an hour, I was able to be more productive and I got more…

Stick figure standing next to a car and trees. A map shows the destination, Kelowna, marked by a red x on a map.

Step#7 Your highest height so far

During reading break I went on a road trip to Kelowna with my family and some family friends and it was the least anxious I had been in…

Stick figure looking panicked because of a midterm and texting for help on a phone.

Step #6 flop?

My most stressful day/biggest flop was February 15th. This was because I had a midterm that I was super anxious for and I was not able to complete…

There is a guy that is sitting down and reading a book which is labelled as \

Step #2 – Prep for wellness practice

For preparation, I researched a few habits that would affect my sleep positively and would put me to bed faster. The one that caught my eye was reading…

A person standing and point up with one arm. A big though bubble next to them with a question mark inside

Step #8: Next?

I put a question mark inside my thought bubble because even though I will continue to take this practice of mindfulness smudging with me, I not sure yet…

A person walking with a smile on their face and a thought bubble of themselves meditating.

Step #7: Fly!

I started to notice near the end that my moods had changed for the better and I felt more optimistic to be out in the world and enjoy…

A persons head. Ailing face, squinting eyes, tongue sticking out, waving lines above the head.

Step #6: Flop

Nearly halfway through my research I got very sick. I couldn’t move, and everything hurt. I was so disappointed because I could literally do nothing but lay in…

Picture is a stick figure happy with a thought bubble beside him on the right

Step #8- FLY. NEXT

After the research I have done I was thinking to myself what do I wanna do after achieving what I wanted from the start

In the picture there is a stick man walking to the door to open it with a smile in his face


The highest I flew was the day I decided to go out and just have a fun and relaxing day right before walking outside I have a big…

Stick figure confidently standing, wearing a cape with a thought bubble stating "I'm going to keep using cognitive retraining to overcome negative bias".


After challenging myself with tackling negative bias by recalling positive aspects of my day before bed, I concluded that I strongly enjoy incorporating this wellness practice into my…

Cartoon character appears happy as it smiles, reflecting on all the hard work that has ensued.

Step #8 – Fly. Next

Within this comic, I have displayed myself in cartoon formation, excited with the results that had been concluded about my study. After having completed this project, I feel…

Stick figure stares at a Novice driver magnet. Sunshine within the background supports the happy thoughts.

Step #7 – Fly! Highest Height

Within my comic, I have displayed a stick figure, which represents myself, holding up a Novice driver magnet, indicating I had successfully completed my driving test. This was…

This comic is split into three different scenes. In the first scene, there is a group of people on bikes. In the second scene, there are four people sitting around a table enjoying drinks. In the last frame, there are two people putting their drinks together.


This comic represents my best day based on my data. The day started with a bike ride with my friends from Lower Lonsdale to English Bay and back,…

Stick Figure looks down at a poor grade that was received. Rain distant clouds are present, setting the tone.

Step #6 – Flop? Your Hardest Day

Within my comic, I am displaying and, therefore, showing how I am unhappy with my poor mark I received. Although I was frustrated and upset with myself, I…

This comic is split down the middle displaying two different drawings. On the left side, there's a "7-3" displaying time, with a person standing next to another person laying in bed. On the right side, there's a person sitting at a desk with a lamp, computer, and notebook in front of him.


In this comic, I am showcasing the hardest day of my experiment. The day wasn’t terrible, but it was a stressful and heavy day of work followed by…

Happy stick figure with her arms in the air with a graph on her right

Step #7 – FLY!! Highest height… so far

During this entire activity, I felt the happiest when I looked at my results. The fact that I completed this activity without missing a day made me feel…

Angry stick figure scolding the other stick figure

Step #6 – FLOP? Your hardest day

The hardest day for me during this activity was when my dad got furious at me for a mistake I made and scolded me. Because of this, I…

Open green book surrounded by a pink heart

Step #8 – Next

This project has completely changed the way I view reading. In the past I saw reading as a chore and hardly read. But, after finding a book I…