Before starting my wellness practice I use to remain sad and all stressful. I become panicked easily when I face a little problem but somehow I want to…
My 14-day study about the effect of meditation on my anxiety level was superb. With being consistent and committed, I got a significant result which is meditation helped…
This is the result that problems were very less but results are much better and more than the problems. Thus it demonstrates that one good thing will lead…
My research result showed that there is a positive correlation between daily yoga practice and my happiness level. Therefore, I envision that I would integrate my wellness practice…
In this comix, stick figure girl (me) looking at the line graph which illustrates that meditation increases happiness. After completing my research I conclude that meditation is really…
As a person preoccupied with anxiety, this journey has helped me develop a healthy coping strategy to manage my stress. After achieving the wellness project’s goal, I learn…
At first, just looking at my data, I thought my numbers were so random that my results wouldn’t say that my happiness improved. After plugging in all the…
Here I am contemplating my first thoughts along with my end result thoughts. Thinking that things won’t work out and then finding out that things worked out better…
By the mid-point, there was a noticeable change in my anxiety. I felt much calmer, and my mindfulness smudge sessions were something to look forward to throughout the…
Running for half an hour every day and making a schedule regular running has changed me from anxious to calm. I feel more fulfilled every day and feel…