Step #8 – What’s next?

Through this project, I have learned a lot. I have confidence and faith in myself. I know that I can achieve the wishes I have for my well-being of life. I feel that I have strength to keep doing the steps of my goals everyday. I am happy for myself because I completed this project. Next, I am ready to go on and conduct projects of other practices myself!

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: CAP.TERES
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: A figure wearing a cape stands on the first step of the stairs and smiles. Beneath the shining sun that the figure faces, there is a checklist with the first thing checked.

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  1. Tharuneka Jegathesh

    That is really nice!
    All the best for your future wellness practices!!

  2. Sania johal

    Good to see that you are happy with the results. I also experienced similar things so I know it feels great. I am glad that you want to do these experiments in future as well. All the best for that.

  3. Glad your results were so positive! I love your optimism about it.

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