8 Comics Tagged "KPU13.NAVKR"

Two stick figures of a girl-- left girl seems athletic and happy while the girl on right seems sad and lazy.

Step1# Back Story

Three years back, I used to participate in many track events. I won many medals . Exercising gave me a sense of satisfaction but as soon as I…

Three stick figures of a girl- first one is eating apple , second girl is taking a walk while the third girl is sleeping.

Step #2 – Preparing for a change

my wellness practice is exercising so Iam preparing my body for doing exercise by eating healthy food , taking a morning walk and by sleeping eight hours a…

A girl running on a treadmill

Step #3 – First day

so today was my first day of doing exercise. I went to a nearby gym to get a good start.I ran on the treadmill and did some pushups…

Three scenes are shown- the girl with a bright face in every scene is me , that brightness depicts happiness.me doing everything happily

Step4# Halfway

I can feel a change in my body which is a good change . I can feel that I am more happy than before and Iam proud of…

This comic shows my dissappointed face because of my device's lost data connection.

Step #6 – Wear Cape – flop? My hardest day

I got a full week to prepare my worksheet for ‘show your data’ phase and even one extra day but I was very busy that week as I…

This comic shows me and my siblings doing exercise together.

Step #7 – Fly!

The day when I did exercise with my brother and cousin sister was a memorable day. I did more and was a little bit extra happy as compared…

This comic shows me going to my job with a happy face and healthy body, thinking about trying a new wellness practice.

Step #8 – Fly

Recently I have joined as an employee. It has been an advantage to do exercise as my wellness practice and my body is all ready both mentally snd…

this comic shows a stick figure and a wellness practice graph.

Step #5: Show your data!!

my result was quite satisfying. I had a gradual increase on my happiness graph. On seeing the graph , it is clear that in the first week of…