8 Comics Tagged "CAP.JESSA"

person laying in bed with a thinking bubble full of scribbles

Back Story

I have a hard time falling asleep; often, I get restless and my thoughts race. Once I’m out, I sleep like a log, but sometimes it’s hours before…

Person sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed and a thought bubble with a heart in it. Beside them is a clean desk and a calendar with a day marked off

Step #2 – Preparing for change

To prepare for my wellness practice, I will clear my room of any distractions and create a relaxing space to meditate. Also, in my calendar, I’ll have reminders…

Person sleeping in bed with sun shining through the windows and a laptop displaying 4PM

First day

On the first day of my Get Cape project, I forgot to take my medication and slept all day. When I woke up and remembered my wellness practice,…

person with their hand on their chin thinking with a thought bubble of an upward arrow and a question mark

Step #4 – Halfway

Halfway through my wellness project, I have gotten more consistent in recording data and practicing meditation. I wonder now if the improvement of my energy is due to…

A line graph superimposed with a lightning bolt, a bar graph superimposed with a heart, and a stick person looking at the graphs questioning \

Step #5

From my project, I learned that practicing loving-kindness meditation correlated with increased energy. However, there may have been confounding variables such as my reading break or personal life…

person who has an upset face is laying in bed with a though bubble full of scribbles

Step 6 – Flop!

The most challenging day of my project was after I had been driving all day and was already stressed out. I did not want to meditate or record…

on the left is a two storey house with 3 happy dogs in the front yard, on the right is a relaxed-looking person with a thought bubble containing a heart and a graph

Step 7 – Fly!

My get cape project height was when I arrived at my dad’s house and found myself relaxed and ready to do my wellness project to the best ability…

person sitting legs crossed, hands on their knees, with two thought bubbles: a heart and a water drop-ripple, and a large check mark beside the thought bubbles

Step 8 – Next “caper”

My hypothesis was correct! Because I discovered loving-kindness meditation correlated with moderate energy, I want to continue meditating regularly and try mindful meditation for my next caper.