8 Comics Tagged "CAP.HALEG"

Stick figure sitting at a desk looking at a calendar and thinking about reading.

Step #1 – Back Story

Since the beginning of the semester, I have found that I have been over scheduling myself and feeling anxious because of it. I often feel that there are…

Stick figure with a smile holding a kobo and looking at the books on the screen

Step #2 – Preparing For Change

To prepare for my new wellness practice I have been looking for a book I would enjoy reading and where I could find it. I am planning on…

Stick figure sitting in bed against a red pillow with pink sheets on the bed and reading a blue book. There is a brown nightstand with a lamp on the left side of the bed.

First Day

The first day of my psychology-based wellness practice went very well. I initially planned on reading for 30 minutes before bed but, when I started to read, I…

A stick person sitting in a pink lounge chair reading on a tablet.

Step #4 – Halfway

The 7th day of my wellness practice was a bit different than usual, but I still read for 45 minutes. That day I took my brother to get…

Line graph and bar graph on the wall, stick person looking at the graphs, red book inside a thought bubble.

Step #5 – Show Me the Data!

My 14-day research project went very well. After reviewing my data, I learned that reading did influence my anxiety in a positive way. However, it only reduced my…

Stick person sitting at a desk, pouting with its hands on it\'s cheeks. A stack of 3 books on the left side of the desk.

Step #6 – Flop?

The most difficult day of my wellness practice (reading) was the day of my first midterm for this semester. I was anxious all day and reading did not…

Stick person laying on a bed reading. One foot in the air and the other on a pillow. Stick person is smiling.

Step #7 – Fly!

The best day of my research project was on the third day in. I truly fell in love with the book I was reading and read that night…

Open green book surrounded by a pink heart

Step #8 – Next

This project has completely changed the way I view reading. In the past I saw reading as a chore and hardly read. But, after finding a book I…