After completing my experiment, I concluded that turning my phone off did indeed decrease my anxiety levels. It also made me realize just how much I rely on my phone to distract me when I’m feeling anxious, however, I have other coping strategies too. Now that I know what makes me feel calm, I’m curious to see if turning my phone off helps me be more productive. I’m also curious to see how turning my phone off helps me sleep better. I better start a new experiment!

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: CAP.TANAR
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: A figure wearing a "cape of calm" reflects on their success and wonders where to go next.

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  1. I LOVE your comics, they’re so cute and somehow filled with emotion. Im so happy for you that your results were good!

  2. Sukhmanpreet Kaur

    Hey, hope you are doing well. I really appreciate your comic its so iconic and truly relatable. I have also decided to improve my study by continuing this activity.

  3. Your comics are the cutest! I absolutely loved all your drawings. Glad your results were good!

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