Step 6 – Flop? Your Hardest Day

My lowest and hardest day for my wellness practice was when I was only able to do around 30% (10 minutes) and it was because I thought I had planned the day out well, but I did not so I couldn’t complete my workout at home for 30 minutes. It kind of made me sad because although I did miss a few days, the other times I did it, it was always 50% or higher.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU12.THARJ
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Stick figure is shocked and yells “Oh no!”. There is also a clock.

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  1. Schae Arugay

    I relate to this! I also had to cut my workouts shorter since I didn’t plan my day well.

  2. Hanna Hu

    I am sure that case because we always say that sometimes plan would not catch varies.

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