16th Feb 2022 was the only day I missed my wellness practice at home cardio for 30 minutes. It was so overwhelming for me to cope with my studies, work, and practice exercising as I had a midterm the next day, which is on the 17th, and I was working on the 16th. So, I got limited time to study for the test. Therefore, I consider my midterm and work to be the biggest obstacle on that day.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU12.ISHMD
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: A stick figure with two clouds on the head naming work and midterm being dated on 16th Feb 2022.

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  1. neha neha

    amazing!!! i love your work. this happened with me also.

  2. Your drawing is great. I relate to you a lot because I also couldn’t follow up with my wellness practice due to my exam.

  3. aaliyah

    your drawing is amazing and this is something I think happened to a bunch of us!

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