Step #1- back story

In this comic, you can see this stick figure is suffering from terrible Anxiety Disorder, which represents me. I’m always stressed about everything and constantly overthinking about everything. That’s the primary reason I can’t ever sleep well and lose self-esteem day by day. I chose to improve my sleep, gaining confidence and giving more attention to what is important to me, such as studying meditation and a healthy diet, so that’s why I’m choosing Anxiety to fix those because that’s what I’m struggling with and the core of my all problem.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU.ZEEE
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Stick Figure is sitting there alone and thinking about things he's suffering recently which is slowly leady to Anxiety Disorder.

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  1. This comic is AMAZING! The artwork is so good and it really depicts the feeling behind the image.

    • Yatin Bhardwaj

      Love the artwork on this comic, very expressive, wish you the best on your project!

  2. Jackson T

    I love the composition of this piece. It’s very accurate to the feeling of your thoughts overtaking your perception of the world around you. I hope you’re able to rid yourself of these anxieties.

  3. Fantastic artwork! I love the addition of the vignette.

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