Step #5 – Show me the data!

After finishing the practice I am quite pleased. Though I did not find a completely direct relation between my screen time and my happiness, what the practice did help with was being able to help me relax and sleep more soundly at night. I am not quite surprised by this but regardless I am glad I did this practice.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU13.JACKT
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Two graphs representing time away from digital screens as well as average general happiness for the person on the right. This person can be seen smiling with a thumbs up, as well as an indication that they are well rested.

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  1. Parvina

    You drew a great comic, with very interesting description, and hopefully you’ll have a long term benefit from this wellness practice. Good Luck!

  2. Awesome! I’m so happy to hear your practice was helpful, even if it wasn’t in the way you expected. I limited my screentime for my wellness practice too and found it really helped me stay focused and productive.

  3. I am so happy you succeeded in your wellness practice! Great job 🙂

  4. I am very pleased you completed your wellness practice! Although you hadn’t seen any correlations with your practice and your happiness levels I can tell you were still able to see some benefits of the practice, which is lovely! great job!

  5. Preetpal

    That is great to see and hear. Using your phone less definitely helps you be more relaxed and sleep better. Try to remember to just take breaks and if you have trouble sleeping, then don’t use your phone for 20-30 mins before sleeping.

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