Step #1 – Back story – Outdoor Activity

We decided to withdraw our daughter from the daycare, in order to spend more time together. But instead, she spends more time with her screen while I am taking online classes and doing daily chores. Therefore, I decided to engage with her in outdoor activities to run and explore the natural beauty five times a week.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU13.PARVB
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: On the drawing, a parent and a child are engaged in outdoor activity to be more caring and creative.

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  1. that is really appreciable of you. handling your kid, doing the chores plus taking care of your studies, all this combined can get a person tired really easily. but you’re taking out time from your hectic schedule to cater all the things, quite a strong woman you are. wishing you good luck!

    • Parvina

      Thank you so much Palak, it was quite hard but enthusiastic journey for all of us. I wish you had a great wellness practice and it was beneficial for you as well.

  2. Gagandeep Grewal

    BEAUTIFULLY described your situation and your wellness practice.

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