Step #3 – First day

My first day went well for not being on my screen but I forgot to set my alarm on my phone for the next day to wake up! This is me waking up the next day and it is already sunny because I didn’t have an alarm

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: CAP.ABIGC
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: It is sunny outside and I just woke up realizing I forgot to set my alarm!

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  1. Sukhmanpreet Kaur

    Hey, I hope you are doing well. It happens, no worries. All the very best for next days.

  2. Oh no!! whenever we decide to make a change in our schedule or habit some stuff happens so don’t worry about that hope you will get success in your goal.

  3. Lovepreet Kaur

    It is habitual when we start something new that is not a part of our routine activities. Keep going and all the best for the next few days.

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