The reason why I chose exercising as my wellness practice was because of COVID and online classes where I would have to spend the majority of my time on screen working on homework and other school projects, as well as procrastinate from doing it, yet worry about it. Moreover, I would spend most of my free time enjoying movies and/or series, but when I think about it now, I can see that I should take some time off screen and get some physical activity so I can be healthier, both physically and mentally.
Doing physical activity will not only improve my physical health but also my mental health, therefore, my overall mood improves, which decreases stress levels.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU12.THARJ
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: There is a stick figure sitting on top of a chair in front of a table, on top of table, there is a laptop. The stick figure is working on some homework for school, during COVID, where there are online classes. The stick figure is tired of working on the screen for too long and says “ugh!”

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