8 Comics Tagged "CAP.JAYDO"

stick figure tiredly leaving the house during mid day with comfortable clothes on and phone in hand with earphones in, pushing themselves to start their get cape project


I had a hard time getting readjusted to a small change in my schedule. Part of my free time was used to get started on this project so…

first panel is at the beginning of walk, stick figure is walking down a park pathway during midday with earphones in while thinking about unfinished tasks and feeling uneasy about it. Second panel the stick figure is happy as it comes towards the end of the wellness practice, feeling better and not as tense

Step #4 – HALFWAY

After missing a day of doing my wellness practice I made myself go out and do my daily walk/sprint. For the beginning of the walk I kept thinking…

person sleeping in bed dreaming about physical exercise and how good it will feel to know you\\\\\\\'re active regularly


I’ve been wanting to get more active recently. because of covid i havent spent a lot of time outside. ive been having this recurring dream where im running…

Stick figure outside going on a run with phone in hand and headphones in and a headband on.


Going on my daily walk and getting ready to sprint to practice my wellness practice. My phone in hand along with earphones so I can listen to music…

A person examining their two graphs and being surprised by the data. Theres a desk with a laptop in the back along with a chair at the desk

STEP #5 data entry and analysis

I was surprised to learn that I was more consistent with my wellness practice than I had originally predicted, but with the other graph my estimate was quite…

A stick figure looking distraught while thinking of tasks needing to be finished and how overwhelming it is becoming and also being tired and wanting to go to bed. A phone and headphones are in the corner of photo on the ground


A few days after I started my get cape project I began to be overwhelmed with the amount of assignments, projects, and readings that were suddenly started piling…

A stick figure smiling after looking over the completed research part and data of the get cape project on the computer. The stick figure also happily looking over the comics drawn and appreciating them.


In my opinion the most successful day of this project was towards the end when we gathered our data. It helped seeing what this project did do for…

Stick figure going on walks in the park in a happy mood while waving to another stick figure.


Now that it’s the end of the get cape project and I have completed the project I still go on daily walks just without the sprinting aspect of…