Step#4 – Wear Cape: Halfway

In the beginning of project, it was much easier to commit and stick to your daily plan. But now, in order to keep running and exercising, I have to make them part of my habit. Because, it is essential for my mental and physical health.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU13.PARVB
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: In the first image, a stick figure barely achieves minimum of what she planned for. But later, in the end of the day, a stick figure is proud of what she achieved.

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  1. Tharuneka Jegathesh

    That’s good!!!

    Nice drawing!

  2. aaliyah

    I love how you were honest and really good picture!

  3. I like that you were honest in your comic. It can be a little difficult to commit to something. All the best.

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