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Before I felt In this experience, I thought it was difficult to turn off my phone, but I committed because it is a school assignment, and this helped me reduce my anxiety and do new things with higher focus and more energy.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU13.NAJWE
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: The person who was satisfied with the result turned the phone off.

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  1. This is very relatable and the drawing you have is really good

  2. aaliyah

    great detail in your drawing!

  3. really nice comic. I hope I can turn off my phone for maybe just for one day!

  4. KPU13.CLARC

    I find it fascinating that staying off your phone has given you more energy! It is fascinating because it shows how serious of an impact technology has on aspects of our life that we usually don’t think about! Great job!

  5. I’m really glad it helped you and your comic is just so relatable!!

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