Step 4# – Halfway

I was on my way to work thinking of all the great things that happened the other day. Just thinking of it, made me feel so good. It also helped me to be jolly but still focus on my work.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: KPU12.ABBYV
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: A girl walking in a sunny weather. It also showed a tree and flower.

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  1. Same here, even when I am travelling to work, I sometimes get lost in the beauty of nature and wonder, why done we people appreciate that enough as well. And not to forget, the freshness that it gives to my mind really helps in performing better. Hope you continue with the same zeal, good luck!

  2. Gagandeep Grewal

    I liked your thought about being grateful and enjoying the blessings but I failed to connect the thought with the halfway journey of the project.

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