Step 2: Get Cape

In this “preparing for change” comic, I have found my yoga mat and am simply making the time to be on it. In this case, making the time means I didn’t have time to clean everything before my practice, so the room is still a little messy. I am not meditating in this picture, only beginning the habit of putting a limit on my “business”, pulling out my yoga mat, and spending the time, so that when its actually time to practice, I am familiar with my routine.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: CAP.KITTO
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: A stick figure sits cross- legged on a yoga mat in a cluttered room.

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  1. Yi-Ting Chang

    Hi there, thank you for demonstrating such a great example.
    Looking forward to your result.

  2. Alison Pickford

    I spy a musical instrument in your comic, I love the attention to detail here.

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