Step #4 – Halfway (7th day)

There’s no doubt that this activity has had a major impact on my happiness as I feel a lot more happier and relaxed as compared to the past. Also, I have noticed a pattern in my behaviour where I feel the happiest and most energetic in the morning, however, this changes as the time passes. I start feeling exhausted and stressed out by the end of the day.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: CAP.KHUSV
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: A person feeling the happiest and energetic during day with their energy level reducing as the day passes.

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  1. Wow! your drawing this amazing

  2. aaliyah

    love the way you really showed your growth in your picture!

  3. I love how you illustrated your energy decreasing throughout the day! So creative.

  4. Anna Bains

    You’re drawing looks so good! I like how you included your energy levels throughout the day.

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