88 Comics Categorized "Step #4 – Wear cape: Halfway (7th day)" (page 4 of 5)

Show us a stick figure scene of your progress with “make one change” 7 COMPLETED days into your research project.

Stick figure is alongside 2 other stick figures where 2 gyms are shown above.

Step #4 Halfway, 7th day

In this comic I am shown with 2 of my other friends and we are trying out the 2 gyms I am currently going to which is She’s…

Stick figure person smiling while surrounded by things like pillow, book, apple, healthy heart and bulb.


On the 7th day of my wellness practice positive change came in me as my mind started working smartly and my heart started feeling happy than usual. Moreover,…

The stick person is sitting and looking tired in the morning. After doing wellness practice by doing breathing exercise a person is looking cheerful and stress free.

Step #4 Wear Cape: Halfway (7th Day)

The stick person did breathing exercise as a wellness practice for anxiety.

Sick figure of someone sleeping in there bed being very happy and beside it is a thermometer that is all the way up and on the top is a fully charged battery and on the bottom is a dead battery referring to energy.

Step #4- Wear Cape: Halfway (7th day)

Since Recently I have been feeling kind a sick I have been getting way more sleep than I usually get, which gets me very energized and ready for…

Both me and my coach and happy and proud of myself winning at boxing

Step #4 – HALFWAY (7th day)

I have been learning and getting better at boxing. Hence, my coach tells me that I am going good and I feel proud of myself after winning the…

A thermometer, a happy face and a sad face, and the word "happiness meter"

Step #4- Wear Cape: Halfway

For seven days straight, I have been recording my happiness after successfully writing down the five things I am grateful for. Many days have their ups and downs…

Anna as a stick figure is sitting in front of her desktop, holding her face sobbing with a tissue in her left hand.


In my comic, I am working on my statistics assignment distracted because I am so tired from work. All I want to do is jump straight into bed…

A girl sitting at a desk writing her progress of the research.

Step #4 – Half Way:7th Day

On the 7th day of the research, I sat down on a desk and looked back at my progress. I made a list of all the things I…

In image,I saw a man who played video games during the day and went for a run. During the day he was happy. At night he put his phone outside while he slept and he slept for 7 and a half hours.

Step #4 – Get cape – Halfway, 7th day

During these 7 days, I did something during the day to keep me in a good mood, such as playing games, chatting with friends or doing some sports,…

A stick figure measuring her weight and enjoying the weight loss on the other hand a piece of paper filled with reminders.

Step #4 – Halfway (7th Day)

This journey of 7 days has been pretty good for me. I have lost weight because of continuous exercise though the different is minimal but it is really…

[Left Side] A person walking their dog while listening to music with a flower on in the ground in front of them, a sun above them, and a house in the distance. [Right Side] person has realized that all of these things are positive parts of their day.

Step #4 – Wear Cape: Halfway (7th Day)

At the end of each day, when I was trying to recall 5 positive things from my day, I sometimes found it hard to actually reach 5. This…

A stick figure person (me) is standing beside a disk with a journal and a pen. The person is happy and says, “Wow! Seven pages in a row, I feel accomplished.”


I am feeling so happy because I have stayed in my plan and did my gratitude journaling for seven days in a row. I really enjoyed recalling five…

One side has someone smiling with their phone shut off. The other side has someone frowning because their phone is shut off

Step #4 day 7

In this comic, half of the page is someone (me) being happy and content while their phone is shut off. And the other half is someone frowning because…

A man is standing, looking sick and tired.


These last few days I haven’t been feeling that great, I think I have a flu… or covid??? Still, I’ve managed to do my daily de-stressing routine, I…

first panel is at the beginning of walk, stick figure is walking down a park pathway during midday with earphones in while thinking about unfinished tasks and feeling uneasy about it. Second panel the stick figure is happy as it comes towards the end of the wellness practice, feeling better and not as tense

Step #4 – HALFWAY

After missing a day of doing my wellness practice I made myself go out and do my daily walk/sprint. For the beginning of the walk I kept thinking…

A stick person sitting in a pink lounge chair reading on a tablet.

Step #4 – Halfway

The 7th day of my wellness practice was a bit different than usual, but I still read for 45 minutes. That day I took my brother to get…

This stick figures shows that after doing meditation for 7 days, there are lot of changes that i feel in life as well as in my body.

Step #4 Halfway ( 7th Day)

As this is my 7th day of continuing meditation and honestly i feel very relaxed my mind now remain so calm than before. My anxiety level also reduces…

Person is doing meditation in park.


It’s my 7th day of meditation. I use to go to park for meditation as it makes me more happier to do meditation in nature. It became integral…

Stick figure person stressed about math exam and practicing meditation to calm herself.

Step #4 Halfway (7th day)

Halfway through my wellness practice, I felt my anxiety was very high because of an important math exam the next day. However, I tried meditating as had been…

7th day- meditation and it’s postive impacts.

Halfway- 7th day

This comic shows the positive and amazing results that I’ve observed on 7th day of doing meditation in proper way. I noticed many changes in my body like…